Residual Materials Management 


Since January 2011 household garbage and recyclable materials are transported to the lien Gatineau Valley Residual Material Transfer Centre and Ecocentre located in Maniwaki.

Household garbage is then transported from Maniwaki to the engineered land fill site in Lachute and recyclable materials are transported to the sorting center, Tricentris in Gatineau.

In order to cut cost related to transport and collection it is imperative that we reduce our waste production.

The only way is by changing our habits to include actions like recycling and reusing but mostly the source reduction. One of the main objectives of the Quebec residual materials management Policy (2010-2015) is to reduce household garbage by 60%, therefore the municipality strongly promotes domestic composting.

Household garbage must be placed in closed bags in the grey rollout carts (240 Liters) provided by the municipality. The gray colored bins are the only containers accepted for garbage collection, no garbage left around the bins will be picked up by the contractor.

Recycling must be placed in the blue rollout carts (360 Liters) provided by the municipality. Blue colored bins are the only accepted containers for the collection of recyclable materials, any additional items left around the bins will not be picked up by the contractor.

Compostable materials must be deposited directly into the brown wheeled bins (240 liters) provided by the municipality. No plastic bags are accepted. The brown roll-out bins are the only containers accepted for the collection of compost, no waste left around the roll-out bins will be picked up by the contractor.

encombrants 2024Large articles (bulky items) pick-up

Bulky items are residual materials too bulky to be placed in gray containers of 240 liters, in anticipation of their collection, such as furniture, mattresses and appliances.

In 2024, there will be 2 bulk items pick-ups, on May 22nd and October 23rd.

Please leave your bulky items near the house until the day before collection. The items that will be picked up are: furniture, mattresses, all non-fixed and transportable furniture.

You can also disposed of bulky items and all other waste like construction and renovation materials, asphalt shingles, concrete, tires, metal etc. at the lien Gatineau Valley Ecocentre located at 161, rue du Parc Industriel in Maniwaki 855-506-2007 or 819-305-2007.

Batteries, compact fluorescent light bulbs, Paint, filters and oil (including cooking oil) can be disposed of, at no cost, at the municipal office during regular business hours. Paints and oils must be in their original containers.

Electronics (computers, TVs, cellular phones etc.) can be disposed of at no cost at the Gatineau Valley Ecocentre located at 161, rue du Parc Industriel in Maniwaki 855-506-2007 or 819-305-2007.

Composter pour moins gaspiller :
le bac brun


Afin de sensibiliser la population de la MRC Vallée-de-la-Gatineau, une série de cinq capsules vidéo ont été enregistrées pour ainsi dévoiler plus de détails sur la collecte et le traitement de la matière organique par compostage. Il sera question des bonnes raisons de participer à la collecte, des matières acceptées/refusées dans le bac brun et quelques astuces pour éviter les nuisances associées à l’utilisation du bac.

Capsules vidéo informatives

Afin de sensibiliser la population de la Vallée-de-la-Gatineau à l’arrivée de la collecte du bac brun, une série de capsules a été enregistrée pour expliquer le projet du traitement de la matière organique par compostage. Plusieurs sujets sont abordés, dont la collecte, les différentes raisons de participer à celle-ci, les matières qui sont acceptées/refusées dans le bac brun et le contrôle des nuisances. Bonne écoute!