Budget Estimates & Taxation
2021 Budget Estimates & Taxation
2021 Budget Estimates |
REVENUES | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
General real estate tax | 1 180 835 | 1 274 933 | 1 307 811 | 1 319 791 |
Loan by-law tax | 48 686 | |||
Barbage & recycling tax | 146 880 | 147 490 | 153 000 | 163 799 |
Septic emptying tax | 56 475 | 56 655 | 57 375 | 79 931 |
Camping trailor tax | 23 220 | 23 960 | 23 060 | 22 580 |
Police (50%) | 69 986 | 75 353 | 73 690 | 75 878 |
Fire department (50%) | 67 345 | 63 645 | 60 318 | 57 787 |
Payments in lieu of taxes | 4 461 | 4 695 | 5 222 | 5 728 |
Transfers | 268 544 | 250 492 | 371 945 | 416 727 |
Other revenues | 116 090 | 122 850 | 125 700 | 167 000 |
Investment activities | ||||
1 933 836 | 2 020 073 | 2 178 121 | 2 35 907 | |
EXPANDITURES | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
General administration | 486 995 | 527 237 | 541 222 | 538 462 |
Public safety | 298 300 | 293 515 | 284 064 | 320 833 |
Transport | 435 925 | 528 586 | 515 996 | 593 883 |
Environment health | 267 763 | 261 681 | 258 929 | 306 902 |
Health & wellfare | 4 615 | 6 137 | 6 767 | 5 000 |
Urbanism & developpment | 152 767 | 153 382 | 99 797 | 141 434 |
Recreation & culture | 143 908 | 145 543 | 176 616 | 126 234 |
Financing costs | 45 785 | 58 155 | 49 866 | 44 324 |
Debt repayment | 61 138 | 75 647 | 170 180 | 172 095 |
Investment | 31 500 | 10 000 | 112 500 | 158 555 |
Allocations | (39 810) | (48 000) | (60 000) | |
Surplus allocated | 5180 | 10 184 | 10 185 | |
1 933 836 | 2 020 073 | 2 178 121 | 2 357 907 | |
Taxable assessment | 160 911 400 | 160 904 300 | 161 757 800 | 166 279 100 |
Mill rates |
0,007338 | 0,007924 | 0,008085 | 0,008230 |
(Including loan bylaw tax) |
2018 Budget Estimates & Taxation
2018 Budget Estimates |
REVENUES | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 |
General real estate tax | 1 222 570 | 1 117 745 | 1 180 835 |
Garbage & Recycking tax | 146 740 | 147 650 | 146 880 |
Septic emptyieng tax | 56 385 | 56 880 | 56 475 |
Camping trailor tax | 24 260 | 24 120 | 23 220 |
Paiements in lieu of taxes | 4 602 | 4 461 | 4 461 |
Transfers | 443 277 | 216 794 | 268 544 |
Other revenues | 106 600 | 113 425 | 116 090 |
Investment activities | 4 500 | ||
Police (50%) | 67 747 | 69 986 | |
Fire Department (50%) | 61 066 | 67 345 | |
2 008 934 | 1 809 888 | 1 933 288 | |
EXPANDITURES | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 |
General administration | 475 836 | 478 713 | 486 995 |
Public security | 279 295 | 281 352 | 298 300 |
Transport | 625 096 | 434 683 | 435 925 |
Environment health | 269 732 | 261 206 | 267 763 |
Health & Wellfare | 5 280 | 9 300 | 4 615 |
Urbanism & Development | 124 462 | 123 712 | 152 767 |
Culture & Recreation | 153 613 | 138 265 | 143 908 |
Financing costs | 6 690 | 7 160 | 45 785 |
Debt repayment | 22 670 | 28 375 | 61 138 |
Investment | 34 260 | 41 950 | 31 500 |
Allocations | 10 000 | 3 180 | |
Surplus allocated | 2 000 | 1 992 | 5180 |
2 008 934 | 1 809 888 | 1 933 288 | |
Taxable assessment | 158 832 900 | 159 612 800 | 160 911 400 |
Foncière générale | 834 256 | ||
Sûreté du Québec | 130 190 | ||
Quote-parts MRC | 258 124 | ||
Matières résiduelles | 146 740 | ||
Vidange de fosses septiques | 56 385 | ||
Roulotte (permis de séjour) | 24 260 | ||
Autres Revenus | 558 979 | ||
2 008 934 | |||
MILL RATES | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 |
General real estate tax | 0.5253 | 0.7002 | 0.7050 |
PIIRL - Volet RIRL | 0.0288 | ||
0.7338 | |||
Sûreté du Québec | 0.08196 | 66.65$/unité | |
Fire depatment | 64,14$/unité | ||
MRC | 0.1625 | ||
0.76976 | |||
Garbage | 90$/unit | 114$/unit | 114$/unit |
Recycling | 50$/unit | 26$/unit | 26$/unit |
Septic emptying 2 years | 90$/unit | 90$/unit | 90$/unit |
Septic emptying 4 years | 45$/unit | 45$/unit | 45$/unit |
Camping trailor -30'/+30' | 300$/410$ | 300$/410$ | 300$/410$ |
2017 Budget Estimates & Taxation
2017 Budget Estimates |
REVENUES | 2014 | 2016 | 2017 |
General real estate tax | 1 165 509 $ | 1 222 570 | 1 117 745 |
Garbage and recycling tax | 145 600 $ | 146 740 | 147 650 |
Septic emptying tax | 55 575 $ | 56 385 | 56 880 |
Camping trailor tax | 17 610 $ | 24 260 | 24 120 |
Payment in lieu of taxes | 5 002 $ | 4 602 | 4 461 |
Transfers | 203 778 $ | 443 277 | 216 794 |
Other revenues | 95 780 $ | 106 600 | 113 425 |
Investment activities | 4 500 | ||
Police (50%) | 67 747 | ||
Fire department (50%) | 61 066 | ||
1 688 854 $ | 2 008 934 | 1 809 888 | |
EXPANDITURES | 2014 | 2016 | 2017 |
General administration | 429 326 $ | 475 836 | 478 713 |
Public security | 281 027 $ | 279 295 | 281 352 |
Transport | 368 473 $ | 625 096 | 434 683 |
Environment health | 260 618 $ | 269 732 | 261 206 |
Health and welfare | 12 167 $ | 5 280 | 9 300 |
Urban planning and development | 122 391 $ | 124 462 | 123 712 |
Recration & culture | 142 117 $ | 153 613 | 138 265 |
Financing costs | 1 200 $ | 6 690 | 7 160 |
Debt repayment | 11 535 $ | 22 670 | 28 375 |
Investments | 60 000 $ | 34 260 | 41 950 |
Allocations | 10 000 | 3 180 | |
Surplus allocated | 2 000 | 1 992 | |
1 688 854 $ | 2 008 934 | 1 809 888 | |
Taxable assesment | 155 747 300 $ | 158 832 900 | 159 612 800 |
General real estate tax | 842 822 $ | 834 256 | |
Sûreté du Québec | 144 401 $ | 130 190 | |
MRC | 178 286 $ | 258 124 | |
Garbage & recycling | 145 600 $ | 146 740 | |
Septic emptying | 55 575 $ | 56 385 | |
Camping trailor | 17 610 $ | 24 260 | |
Other revenues | 304 560 $ | 558 979 | |
1 688 854 $ | 2 008 934 | ||
MILL RATES | 2014 | 2016 | 2017 |
General property tax | 0,5411 | 0.5253 | 0.7002 |
Sûreté du Québec | 0,0927 | 0.08196 | |
MRC | 0,1145 | 0.1625 | |
0,7483 | 0.76976 | ||
Garbage | 90$/unité | 90$/unité | 114$/unité |
Recycling | 50$/unité | 50$/unité | 26$/unité |
Septic emptying 2 years | 90$/unité | 90$/unité | 90$/unité |
Septic emptying 4 years | 45$/unité | 45$/unité | 45$/unité |
Camping trailor -30'/+30' | 200$/290$ | 300$/410$ | 300$/410$ |
2016 Budget Estimates & Taxation
2016 Budget Estimates |
REVENUES | 2013 | 2014 | 2016 |
General real estate tax | 1 122 321 $ | 1 165 509 $ | 1 222 570 |
Garbage and recycling tax | 181 000 $ | 145 600 $ | 146 740 |
Septic emptying tax | 42 500 $ | 55 575 $ | 56 385 |
Camping trailor tax | 15 000 $ | 17 610 $ | 24 260 |
Payment in lieu of taxes | 5 233 $ | 5 002 $ | 4 602 |
Transfers | 415 080 $ | 203 778 $ | 443 277 |
Other revenues | 73 370 | 95 780 $ | 106 600 |
Investment activities | 4 500 | ||
1 854 504 $ | 1 688 854 $ | 2 008 934 | |
EXPANDITURES | 2013 | 2014 | 2016 |
General administration | 420 900 $ | 429 326 $ | 475 836 |
Public security | 283 127 $ | 281 027 $ | 279 295 |
Transport | 368 443 $ | 368 473 $ | 625 096 |
Environment health | 256 635 $ | 260 618 $ | 269 732 |
Health and welfare | 18 392 $ | 12 167 $ | 5 280 |
Urban planning and development | 92 692 $ | 122 391 $ | 124 462 |
Recreation and culture | 109 480 $ | 142 117 $ | 153 613 |
Financing costs | 2 005 $ | 1 200 $ | 6 690 |
Debp repayment | 78 800 $ | 11 535 $ | 22 670 |
Investments | 224 030 $ | 60 000 $ | 34 260 |
Allocations | 10 000 | ||
Surplus allocated | 2 000 | ||
1 854 504 | 1 688 854 $ | 2 008 934 | |
Taxable assesment | 153 214 800 $ | 155 747 300 $ | 158 832 900 |
General real estate tax | 818 649 $ | 842 822 $ | 834 256 |
Provincial police | 139 483 $ | 144 401 $ | 130 190 |
MRC | 164 189 $ | 178 286 $ | 258 124 |
Garbage and recycling | 181 000 $ | 145 600 $ | 146 740 |
Septic emptying | 42 500 $ | 55 575 $ | 56 385 |
Camping trailer | 15 000 $ | 17 610 $ | 24 260 |
Other revenues | 493 683 | 304 560 $ | 558 979 |
1 854 504 $ | 1 688 854 $ | 2 008 934 | |
MILL RATES | 2013 | 2014 | 2016 |
Genereal property tax | 0,5343 | 0,5411 | 0.5253 |
Provincial police | 0,0910 | 0,0927 | 0.08196 |
MRC | 0,1072 | 0,1145 | 0.1625 |
0,7325 | 0,7483 | 0.76976 | |
Garbage | 105$/unit | 90$/unit | 90$/unit |
Recycling | 70$/unit | 50$/unit | 50$/unit |
Septic emptying 2 years | 70$/unit | 90$/unit | 90$/unit |
Septic emptying 4 years | 35$/unit | 45$/unit | 45$/unit |
Camping trailer -30'/+30' | 175$/280$ | 200$/290$ | 300$/410$ |
2014 Budget Estimates & Taxation
2014 Budget Estimates |
REVENUES | 2013 | 2014 |
General real estate tax | $ 1 122 321 | $ 1 165 509 |
Garbage and recycling tax | $ 181 000 | $ 145 600 |
Septic emptying tax | $ 42 500 | $ 55 575 |
Camping trailer tax | $ 15 000 | $ 17 610 |
Payment in lieu of taxes | $ 5 233 | $ 5 002 |
Transfers | $ 415 080 | $ 203 778 |
Other revenues | $ 73 370 | $ 95 780 |
$ 1 854 504 | $ 1 688 854 | |
EXPANDITURES | 2013 | 2014 |
General administration | $ 420 900 | $ 429 326 |
Public security | $ 283 127 | $ 281 027 |
Transport | $ 368 443 | $ 368 473 |
Environmental Health | $ 256 635 | $ 260 618 |
Health and wellfare | $ 18 392 | $ 12 167 |
Urban planning and devpt | $ 92 692 | $ 122 391 |
Recreation and culture | $ 109 480 | $ 142 117 |
Financing costs | $ 2 005 | $ 1 200 |
Debt repayment | $ 78 800 | $ 11 535 |
Investments | $ 224 030 | $ 60 000 |
Funds from accumulated surplus | ||
Funds from affected surplus | ||
$ 1 854 504 | $ 1 688 854 | |
Taxable assessment | $ 153 214 800 | $ 155 747 300 |
General real estate tax | $ 818 649 | $ 842 822 |
Provincial police | $ 139 483 | $ 144 401 |
MRC | $ 164 189 | $ 178 286 |
Garbage and recycling | $ 181 000 | $ 145 600 |
Septic emptying | $ 42 500 | $ 55 575 |
Camping trailer | $ 15 000 | $ 17 610 |
Other revenues | $ 493 683 | $ 304 560 |
$ 1 854 504 | $ 1 688 854 | |
MILL RATE | 2013 | 2014 |
General property tax | 0,5343 | 0,5411 |
Provincial Police | 0,0910 | 0,0927 |
MRC | 0,1072 | 0,1145 |
0,7325 | 0,7483 | |
Garbage | $105/unit | $90/unit |
Recycling | $70/unit | $50/unit |
Septic emptying 2 years | $70/unit | $90/unit |
Septic emptying 4 years | $35/unit | $45/unit |
Camping trailer -30'/+30' | $175/$280 | $200/$290 |
* Includes 25$ for rollout cart
2013 Budget Estimates & Taxation
2013 Budget Estimates |
REVENUES | 2012 | 2013 |
General real estate tax | 1 055 234 $ | 1 122 321 $ |
Garbage and recycling tax | 147 598 $ | 181 000 $ |
Septic emptying tax | 41 250 $ | 42 500 $ |
Camping trailer tax | 14 000 $ | 15 000 $ |
Civic number tax | 38 500 $ | |
Payment in lieu of taxes | 5 505 $ | 5 233 $ |
Transfers | 375 158 $ | 415 080 $ |
Other revenues | 89 735 $ | 73 370 |
1 766 980 $ | 1 854 504 $ | |
EXPANDITURES | 2012 | 2013 |
General administration | 391 571 $ | 420 900 $ |
Public security | 249 665 $ | 283 127 $ |
Transport | 364 914 $ | 368 443 $ |
Environmental Health | 234 170 $ | 256 635 $ |
Health and wellfare | 3 397 $ | 18 392 $ |
Urban planning and devpt | 103 306 $ | 92 692 $ |
Recreation and culture | 84 197 $ | 109 480 $ |
Financing costs | 24 960 $ | 2 005 $ |
Debt repayment | 63 600 $ | 78 800 $ |
Investments | 247 200 $ | 224 030 $ |
Funds from accumulated surplus | 0 $ | |
Funds from affected surplus | 0 $ | |
1 766 980 | 1 854 504 | |
Taxable assessment | 131 570 800 $ | 153 214 800 $ |
General real estate tax | 759 147 $ | 818 649 $ |
Provincial police | 128 886 $ | 139 483 $ |
MRC | 167 201 $ | 164 189 $ |
Garbage and recycling | 147 598 $ | 181 000 $ |
Septic emptying | 41 250 $ | 42 500 $ |
Camping trailer | 14 000 $ | 15 000 $ |
Civic number plates | 38 500 $ | 0 |
Other revenues | 470 398 $ | 493 683 |
1 766 980 $ | 1 854 504 $ | |
MILL RATE | 2012 | 2013 |
General property tax | 0,5770 | 0,5343 |
Provincial Police | 0,0980 | 0,0910 |
MRC | 0,1271 | 0,1072 |
0,8020 | 0,7325 | |
Garbage | 105$/unit * | 105$/unit * |
Recycling | 70$/unit * | 70$/unit * |
Septic emptying 2 years | 67$/unit | 70$/unit |
Septic emptying 4 years | 34$/unit | 35$/unit |
Camping trailer -30'/+30' | 160$/280$ | 175$/280$ |
Civic number plate | 35$ | 0 |
* Includes 25$ for rollout cart
2012 Budget Estimates & Taxation
2012 Budget Estimates |
REVENUES | 2011 | 2012 |
General real estate tax | 1 017 810 $ | 1 055 234 $ |
Garbage and recycling tax | 126 413 $ | 147 598 $ |
Septic emptying tax | 41 170 $ | 41 250 $ |
Camping trailer tax | 12 000 $ | 14 000 $ |
Civic number tax | 0 $ | 38 500 $ |
Payment in lieu of taxes | 4 504 $ | 5 505 $ |
Transfers | 510 997 $ | 375 158 $ |
Other revenues | 107 405 $ | 89 735 $ |
1 820 299 $ | 1 766 980 $ | |
EXPENDITURES | 2011 | 2012 |
General administration | 377 942 $ | 391 571 $ |
Public security | 191 227 $ | 249 665 $ |
Transport | 375 993 $ | 364 914 $ |
Environmental Health | 242 331 $ | 234 170 $ |
Health and wellfare | 3 000 $ | 3 397 $ |
Urban planning and development | 95 448 $ | 103 306 $ |
Recreation and culture | 71 174 $ | 84 197 $ |
Financing costs | 10 766 $ | 24 960 $ |
Debt repayment | 43 266 $ | 63 600$ |
Investments | 479 152 $ | 247 200 $ |
Funds from accumulated surplus | -48 833 $ | 0 $ |
Funds from affected surplus | -21 167 $ | 0 $ |
1 820 299 $ | 1 766 980 $ | |
Taxable assessment | 129 481 300 $ | 131 570 800 $ |
General real estate tax | 750 621 $ | 759 147 $ |
Provincial Police | 116 236 $ | 128 886 $ |
MRC | 150 953 $ | 167 201 $ |
Garbage and recycling | 126 413 $ | 147 598 $ |
Septic emptying | 41 170 | 41 250 $ |
Camping trailer | 12 000 $ | 14 000 $ |
Civic number plates | 0$ | 38 500 $ |
Other revenues | 622 906 $ | 470 398 $ |
1 820 299 $ | 1 766 980 $ | |
MILL RATE | 2011 | 2012 |
General property tax | 0,5797 | 0,5770 |
Provincial Police | 0,0898 | 0,0980 |
MRC | 0,1166 | 0,1271 |
0,7861 | 0,8920 | |
Garbage | 80$/unit | 105$/unit * |
Recycling | 45$/unit | 70$/unit * |
Septic emptying 2 years | 67$/unit | 67$/unit |
Septic emptying 4 yearss | 34$/unit | 34$/unit |
Camping trailer -30'/+30' | 140$/260$ | 160$/280$ |
Civic number plate | 0$ | 35$ |
* 25$ trash included
2011 Budget Estimates & Taxation
2011 Budget Estimates |
REVENUES | 2010 | 2011 |
General real estate tax | 946 895 $ | 1 017 810 $ |
Garbage and recycling tax | 118 000 $ | 126 413 $ |
Septic emptying tax | 39 000 $ | 41 170 $ |
Camping trailer tax | 12 200 $ | 12 000 $ |
Vandalism tax | 108 000 $ | 0 $ |
Payment in lieu of taxes | 3 705 $ | 4 504 $ |
Transfers | 213 109 $ | 510 997 $ |
Other revenues | 186 285 $ | 107 405 $ |
1 627 194 $ | 1 820 299 $ | |
EXPENDITURES | 2010 | 2011 |
General administration | 359 534 $ | 377 942 $ |
Public security | 214 153 $ | 191 227 $ |
Transport | 487 337 $ | 375 993 $ |
Environmental Health | 225 704 $ | 242 331 $ |
Health and wellfare | 1 178 $ | 3 000 $ |
Urban planning and development | 95 766 $ | 95 448 $ |
Recreation and culture | 122 364 $ | 71 174 $ |
Financing costs | 17 152 $ | 10 766 $ |
Debt repayment | 44 006 $ | 43 266 $ |
Investments | 60 000 $ | 479 152 $ |
Funds from accumulated surplus | -48 833 $ | |
Funds from affected surplus | -21 167 $ | |
1 627 194 $ | 1 820 299 $ | |
Taxable assessment | 125 070 500 $ | 129 481 300 $ |
General real estate tax | 693 815 $ | 750 621 $ |
Provincial Police | 126 042 $ | 116 236 $ |
MRC | 127 038 $ | 150 953 $ |
Garbage and recycling | 118 000 $ | 126 413 $ |
Septic emptying | 39 000 $ | 41 170 $ |
Camping trailer | 12 200 $ | 12 000 $ |
Vandalism | 108 000 $ | 0 $ |
Other revenues | 403 099 $ | 622.906 $ |
1 627 194 $ | 1,820,299 $ | |
MILL RATE | 2010 | 2011 |
General property tax | 0,5547 | 0,5797 |
Provincial Police | 0,1008 | 0,0898 |
MRC | 0,1016 | 0,1166 |
0,76 | 0,79 | |
Garbage | 80$/unit | 80$/unit |
Recycling | 45$/unit | 45$/unit |
Septic emptying 2 years | 66$/unit | 67$/unit |
Septic emptying 4 yearss | 33$/unit | 34$/unit |
Camping trailer -30'/+30' | 140$/260$ | 140$/260$ |
Vandalism (with building/vacant lot) | 90$/45$ | 0$ |
2010 Budget Estimates & Taxation
2010 Budget Estimates |
REVENUES | 2009 | 2010 |
General taxes | 868 439 $ | 946 895 $ |
Garbage and recycling tax | 117 000 $ | 118 000 $ |
Septic emptying tax | 38 000 $ | 39 000 $ |
Camping trailer tax | 12 900 $ | 12 200 $ |
Vandalism tax | 0 $ | 108 000 $ |
Payment in leu of taxes | 3 805 $ | 3 705 $ |
Transfers | 300 059 $ | 213 109 $ |
Other revenues | 44 420 $ | 186 285 $ |
1 384 623 $ | 1 627 194 $ | |
EXPENSES | 2009 | 2010 |
General administration | 319 634 $ | 359 534 $ |
Public safety | 190 821 $ | 214 153 $ |
Transport | 477 474 $ | 487 337 $ |
Environmental Hygiene | 218 360 $ | 225 704 $ |
Health and wellfare | 82 $ | 1 178 $ |
Urban planning and development | 57 935 $ | 95 766 $ |
Recreation & culture | 100 746 $ | 122 364 $ |
Financing fees | 171 $ | 17 152 $ |
Debt repayment | 0 $ | 44 006 $ |
Investments | 19 400 $ | 60 000 $ |
1 384 623 $ | 1 627 194 $ | |
Taxable evaluation | 102 169 400 $ | 125 070 500 $ |
General property taxes | 628 051 $ | 693 815 $ |
Provincial Police | 129 050 $ | 126 042 $ |
MRC | 111 338 $ | 127 038 $ |
Garbage and recycling | 117 000 $ | 118 000 $ |
Septic emptying | 38 000 $ | 39 000 $ |
Camping trailer | 12 900 $ | 12 200 $ |
Vandalism | 108 000 $ | |
Other revenues | 348 284 $ | 403 099 $ |
1 384 623 $ | 1 627 194 $ | |
MILL RATE | 2009 | 2010 |
General property tax | 0,6147 | 0,5547 |
Privincial police | 0,1263 | 0,1008 |
MRC | 0,1090 | 0,1016 |
-10,93% | 0,85 | 0,76 |
Garbage | 80$/unit | 80$/unit |
Recycling | 40$/unit | 45$/unit |
Septic emptying 2 years | 64.5/unit | 66$/unit |
Septic emptying 4 years | 32.25$/unit | 33$/unit |
Camping trailer -30'/+30' | 140$/260$ | 140$/260$ |
Vandalism (with building/vacant lot) | 90$/45$ |